I was googling about my favorite and go-to product to combat acne when I saw this description: This world famous 'instant-gratification-in-a-jar' Drying Lotion by Mario Badescu Skin Care helps dry up whiteheads overnight. And yes! It fits this description.
I get to know about this product about 8 years ago from an office mate and gave it a try. I'm not really prone to acne but stress makes them all come out and I want it to dry fast and clean, without any marks.
I was able to find this product in Rustan's Makati and had to think a couple of times cause this small bottle costs about PHP1200 (around that time) and that was around 2005 or 2006. But then, I gave in and bought this miracle bottle.
See, Im used to only having none or just one pimple from time to time and so having more than one irks me out and kind of makes me panic. I had my worst breakout when I was preparing a wedding for a friend. My forehead was full of big zits, as in big! and it doesnt want to dry out. I think about a day or two before the wedding, I went to a derma clinic and what they did is to inject something to help the zits dry out fast. And the injection process hurts! I hate injection, who enjoys that, anyway? Unfortunately, it dried out but the bumps are still there and even the make-up won't cover it. I can't appreciate the beauty of my gown as a Maid of Honor because I was way too conscious of the zit bumps all over my face :(
Anyways, after that experience I got a little panicky whenever a pimple comes out as in I would find whatever that would help clear it out. I even tried the sticky cinnamon-honey concoction. Coz you see, as much as I want to clear out the acne fast, I also want it safe and not harsh for my skin. I don't want the redness or stingy feeling of some products.
After I bought my first bottle of Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, I was really nervous if it's worth my money. I categorized it as luxury ... gosh, luxurious acne! grrrr! After washing up my face and applying toner, I got a cotton buds and dip it into the drying lotion bottle to get the pink part then apply it on the zits. It does have a sting especially when your acne is "ripe". If you have quite a lot then you'll look like a dalmatian hahaha! Then when I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was to check what happened and I was so delighted that it worked! The zit dried out and after a few days it cleared out perfectly, without any marks.
When I moved to Singapore, I bought a bottle of this drying lotion with me and I was thankful cause at that time, it was still not available in SG. Now, you can buy it at Sephora or for a cheaper price and free delivery, at Luxola.
I always recommend this product to my friends and so far all of them loved this product. So indeed, it's an instant gratification in a jar. The kind of gratification only people who have acne problems would understand :)
More Info on: Mario Badescu
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