It was the 24th and I was, as usual, browsing to one of the blogs that I follow when it comes to baking. I saw this super yummy picture of a pie and just by looking at it I know that I must try to do it. I read thru the whole recipe and it seems quite easy and I've decided right there and then that Im gonna do it tonight and I did!
Full Recipe and detailed instruction on: S'more Brownie Pie entry
It's right about 4 steps to bake and another step to wait and drool:
1. Make the crust and set aside.
2. Make the brownie batter, all thru microwave heating and manual whisking.
Melted butter, cocoa, sugar and salt in microwave. Let it cool for a while before mixing in other ingredients.
Once the cocoa mixture is cool, stir in the vanilla and then the eggs one at a time. Then whisk in the flour.
3. Bake the brownie pie for 28minutes at 165C/325F.
4. Remove the brownie pie from the oven and add in the mallows (I got overly excited and put more mallows that what is stated in the recipe).
5. Bake for 3more minutes or until the marshmallows are toasted. Let it cool completely (which is quite hard to do) and enjoy!
Gooey S'more, fudgy brownie and just the right taste of crust all rolled into one. Imagine that!