When I was reading the recipe for the Pumpkin-Oatmeal Cookies recipe I saw the main ingredient is pumpkin puree. What I initially thought is I would boil the pumpkin then puree it using the blender. Just to be sure I googled and boy I was wrong, almost all the articles/blogpost I read said that you have to bake the pumpkin before you puree it.
I was in the midst of preparing dinner as well when I decided to do the pumpkin-oatmeal cookies and I just browsed thru the steps on how to puree and actually missed out some instruction but it still turned out ok.
So here's how I did it:
1. Slice the pumpkin
2. Remove the seeds
3. Bake in 150C for 40minutes (the instruction was that the pumpkin slice should be face down and cover the pumpkin with oil but since I just browsed thru the steps, I missed out these notes)
4. Let it cool and remove the skin
5. Cut into even smaller pieces and blend until you reach the desired consistency.
Add a bit of water while blending
And your pumpkin purée is ready!
You can store the pumpkin puree into the freezer for future use as well and you can do a lot more things from this healthy puree.